Q: Where does the ride start and finish?
A: All ride routes start and finish from Horseshoe Bay Farms just south of Egg Harbor
Q: When are route maps released?
A: First week of June. We generally try to follow the same route each year, but we do change the routes to accommodate road construction, as we don’t want to take riders over roads that are dangerous or may be ground down for spring resurfacing projects. For that reason, we wait until the first week of June to finalize maps.
Q: Does my registration include entry into the Door County Beer Festival?
A: No. Riders receive lunch from Thyme Cuisine and a complimentary beer from One Barrel Brewing Co.
Q: How late will you serve the post-ride meal?
A: We’ll keep serving food until 5:00 pm.
Q: Will there be traffic on the roads during the ride?
A: Yes, all roads are open to vehicle traffic, and cyclists are expected to follow the rules of the road.
Q: What time should I plan to start riding?
A: Those participating in the 100 mile route should depart from the town hall park by 7 am to ensure you return in time for the post-ride meal and music. Those in the 50 and 62-mile routes should leave by 8 am, and those in the 25-mile route should leave by 9 am.
Q: What fluids will be available at the aid stations?
A: We’ll have water and an electrolyte drink at all aid stations.
Q: Is this a timed event?
A: No, this is a ride, not a race, so there is no chip timing.
Q: Something came up and now I can’t participate. Can I transfer my registration to the Fall Challenge or to the ride next year?
A: First of all, bummer that you can’t ride with us. Secondly, no, we cannot transfer your registration to the Fall Challenge or to next year. You are welcome to sell your registration to another person though. Please email jordan@peninsulapacers.com for more information.